Pinned and Wriggling draws on references to the entomological collection, playing with the notion of the human specimen, how we are 'pinned' down and examined according to social standards and ideals.
"when I am pinned and wriggling on the wall"
"When I am formulated, sprawling on a pin"
The collection is inspired by beetle anatomy, the complex layering and contrasting textures of the external shell and delicate fragile internal components. The garments explore the distortion of the 'ideal' form, dissecting, reorienting and layering the basic blocks in unconventional ways, ignoring the traditional placement of darts and seams to create new forms that move away from the body. The work also plays with notions of the abject, merging human and insectiodal elements to both disturb and intrigue, identifying the insect specimen as a source of both fascination and apprehension.
Images: 1,2,5 by Tim New, edited by Ellie Meyer. 3,4 by Ellie Meyer.
MUA: Barbara Mordini
Models: Cara Stass, Jamie Barrett